Payment plans are now being offered to shoppers that span longer than the usual six-week period for higher-priced items with no hard credit checks required. Long-term financing is available for U.S. Sezzle merchants only. There are a number of merchant requirements set by our system for approval and we do not have a way to guarantee it will be available for a specific merchant.
Once long-term financing has been set up for your business, shoppers will see available payment plans based on their own approvals. If they select the long-term financing option and get approved, that purchase will be included with other standard orders in your dashboard with a long_term_lending label next to them.
How do disputes, returns, and refunds work with long-term financing?
Most disputes function the same as regular Sezzle orders. For more information on cancellations, returns, and refunds on orders financed through Bread Financial® refer to the Sezzle Bread Merchant Agreement for any differences in the process.