If you haven't received your funds as expected, please first start by checking that your bank account is linked and verified. If no bank account is connected and verified, no funds will be deposited. To check, log in and select “Payment Methods” on the left-hand side. Ensure there is an account listed, and make sure that it has “Verified” in blue on the account. Note: International merchants do not need to verify their accounts at this time.
If no bank account is listed, select “Add Bank” to connect your bank account. Then follow instructions here to link your account.
If the bank account listed is not yet verified, select "Verify" next to the account in question and enter the micro-deposit amounts you received exactly as they are listed on your bank statement.
Finally, select your currency settings by selecting the bank account you would like to use to receive funds from US orders and Canadian orders in the Currency Settings table.
Once that's complete, or if you are an international merchant, please utilize the table at the top of the page to set up the account to receive funds. If an account is not set up to receive funds, we will not be able to send your funds to you.
If your bank account is connected, please navigate to your “Settlements” page. This will tell you the exact amount and date you should expect to see your funds transferred to your bank account. Selecting the “Processed” tab will show you all of the settlements we have fully processed for you. This page will also note if those funds are part of the “Standard” or “Interest” program – funds that have processed and have a type of “Interest” are ones you will need to manually withdraw.
If you see the date listed has passed, the type is “Standard,” and you haven’t received your funds, please reach out to us directly by using the "Submit a Request" link at the top of this page. If the type is “Interest,” please manually withdraw those funds to your account (or leave them in to earn some money).
Note: If you received funds, but the amount isn't what you expected, please look at your "Withdrawal Account" page - this will detail any adjustments (like refunds or referral bonuses) that may have impacted your final deposit amount.